In a recent blog article we told you what is the NPS indicator was and how to get it. The NPS is a very useful way of knowing customer satisfaction. This fact will allow us to improve the customer experience and their degree of satisfaction with us.

The customer experience or Customer Experience (CX), is the result of consumers’ perceptions after interacting with any department of a company (marketing, sales, customer service, etc).

CX is a very broad concept and covers different areas. Interactions with the client may consciously or unconsciously affect the relationship with the client. And they can therefore affect the perception you get of our company.

The customer experience is a process that encompasses the entire journey a customer has made since first contact with us.


Customer Experience: Getting Feedback


It is indisputable that in order to know the degree of satisfaction of a client or how their experience has turned out we must obtain the strong>Feedback of the interactions that have taken place.


One of the satisfaction gauges we have already discussed is the NPS. But there are other quantifiable methods that allow us to obtain data to measure the customer experience.

Every experience, every contact with the client, must be measured individually and separately.

The KPI (Key Performance Indicator) are key indicators that allow us to know and synthesize the information regarding the different metrics that we will make of the interactions with the client. They are known as quality indicators, since it is common for them to provide us with the results that will reflect the current state of a business.

For example, a company may think it necessary to know the quantity and quality of the interaction its Social Network publications have. Amount of “I like”, comments, retuits, recommendations, will be key indicators that provide the necessary feedback to know what vision our customers have of us.


To do this, there are many analytical tools that allow us to obtain information about the KPIs that interest us.

Social Network Marketing

Once we have decided what we want to have a presence in SSR, we must propose a business strategy in terms of the objectives that have led us to it:

  • Provide our company profiles with the “personality” we want our image to be.
  • Choose what content we are going to share, how to disseminate it. (Content strategy)
  • What time and budget to dedicate to it.
  • How to measure our clients’ interactions in RRSS.

You’re certainly not the only one using social networks and your competitors will be using similar strategies. Doing an analysis of them can help you better target your strategy. What works and what doesn’t work, what social networks your audience uses, etc.

Create a calendar to schedule your publications. Decide when your publications are most effective, look for a tool to help you manage your company’s SSR profiles.

Loyalty to your customers: what is the secret

Everyone knows that the best way to build customer loyalty is to offer “something” that the competition does not offer.

Some customers will value better prices, others may value better care, better products or services.

The five strategies that never fail

  • 1

Provides personalized attention and experience

Although two customers purchase the same product, this does not mean that your attention and the way you address them should be the same in both cases. In order to do this, you must know your client perfectly and keep the information you have about him updated.

  • 2

Enable your client to communicate.

It should be easy for the client to get in touch with you or your company. If you are visible in SSR, answer their emails, answer their calls or interact in the comments of social networks the customer will feel more attended. Today social networks have become a tool that contributes to improve customer satisfaction. It should also be easy to buy in your company, get to you should be a pleasant and simple experience.

  • 3

Get Customer Experience Measurements (KPI, NPS).

It will help us to know if we are on the right track. This also allows us to act in front of dissatisfied customers on time and try to solve the situation.

  • 4

Emplea relational marketing strategies.

Placing the client at the center. Knows their fears, worries, pretensions, motivations, knowledge and even their feelings. He acts according to them. Taking the client’s point of view, empathizing with him, we can better understand his point of view.

  • 5

Dispose of a good CRM

It is the perfect tool to allow you to develop the rest of the strategies. In it you will store all the client’s information. With the information stored in your CRM you will be able to prevent past mistakes, learn from your clients and apply successes in future interventions. That’s why designing a good strategy with your CRM is the best way to maximize your sales.

As we have seen on several occasions, a CRM can be a very useful tool. Thanks to it we will be able to obtain 90% of the information we need to apply our strategies to improve customer experience.

➡️ ➡️   5 reasons to conduct a customer satisfaction survey